Contact Info

Susan Nahmias, M.Ed.
Specialty in Curiculum & Instruction
Art Therapy Certified
Program Cordinator

Geraldine Carroll
Program Liaison

David Nahmias, Ph.D.
Specialty in STEM Education

Montgomery County:
Maryvale Elementary School
1010 First St.
Rockville, MD 20850

Also now online! 

(240) 888-6025


Mailing Address:
Global Enrichment
19559 Transhire Rd.
Gaithersburg, MD, 20886 USA

Like us on Facebook!

Global Enrichment

Welcome to Global Enrichment's Home Page!

Announcement: We wish our students a relaxing summer. Global Enrichment will return five days a week begining August 26, 2024.

Our mission at Global Enrichment is to provide a safe and comfortable place where all children are allowed to explore their creativity and enhance their learning. It is a place where the children, as well as their parents, have a relationship with the Global Enrichment team members and feel a sense of family and community.

About Location

Above all, our primary goal is to create a program that fits the needs and desires of the children who are a part of Global Enrichment.

During normal operations, the daily hours are from dismissal to 6:00 PM Monday through Friday on regular school days (5:00 PM on half days). We continue our commitment to French Immersion and activities. Additionally, on Thursdays, we focus on art and hands-on projects. On Fridays, we feature a program devoted to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) education.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Global Enrichment will return to provide five days of in person programs and classes. Please contact us for online options.


Global Enrichment is open Monday-Friday from dismissal until 6:00pm and closed on holidays.

Weekly Schedule

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesday
French Language Tutoring & Skills

Art Projects

Culinary and Sewing Projects

Daily Schedule

Dismissal - 4:20pm
Social French speaking practice through play, usually outdoors weather permitting
4:20 - 5:45pm
Daily activity (see weekly schedule above)
5:45 - 6:00pm

Global Enrichment's Calendar

Fall 2024

Mon, Aug 26 First day of Global Enrichment for students Global Enrichment Open
Mon, Sep 2 Labor Day Holiday - No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Fri, Sep 27 Early release for students Global Enrichment Open until 5:00pm
Thu, Oct 3 Non-Instructional Day - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Fri, Oct 18 No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, Nov 4 Professional Day - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Tue, Nov 5 Election Day - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, Nov 25 - Tue, Nov 26 Early release for students Global Enrichment Open until 5:00pm
Wed, Nov 27 - Fri, Nov 29 Thanksgiving Holiday Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, Dec 23 - Tue, Dec 31 Winter Break Global Enrichment Closed

Spring 2025

Wed, Jan 1 New Years - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Thu, Jan 2 Spring semester begins Global Enrichment Open
Mon, Jan 20 MLK Holiday - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Wed, Jan 29 Professional Day - No school for students Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, Feb 17 Holiday - No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Fri, Feb 28 Half-days for students Global Enrichment Open until 5:00pm
Mon, Mar 31 Professional Day - No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, April 14 - Mon, Apr 21 Spring Break Global Enrichment Closed
Mon, May 26 Memorial Day - No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Fri, Jun 6 Professional Day - No School for students Global Enrichment Closed
Fri, Jun 13 Last day of school - Early release for students Global Enrichment Open until 5:00pm

Our normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday from dismissal to 6:00pm. On school holidays, professional days, and early release days, we will follow a specific Global Enrichment calendar.

Typically, on days when school is closed Global Enrichment is closed. Furthermore, on days when there is an early dismissal from school, Global Enrichment will open at dismissal and will operate until 5:00pm.

Emergency/Snow Closing Policies

Global Enrichment will be closed on days that MCPS is closed because of a snow emergency or dismisses early because of a snow emergency. Please watch the local news or check the MCPS website for all closing/early dismissal information. If you have any questions or concerns on snow days please do not hesitate to contact your program coordinator.

Rules, Regulations and Guidelines

The safety of your child is our number one concern. We know that it is your number one concern as well. The following procedures are a few ways that we can work together as a team to ensure the safety of your child:

Sign In and Sign Out

In accordance with requirements of the state of Maryland, you must sign your child out each day. We will take attendance at the beginning of every day. When you come to pick up your child, please initial and indicate the time you pick them up at the designated location within your center. Having a record of your child's arrival and departure is an important tool for accountability in an emergency situation. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing this information.

Arrival and Pickup

Global Enrichment is not responsible for students before and after the day's activity session. Students must be picked up by 6:00 p.m.
A late fee of $2 per minute will be charged for students remaining after 6:00 p.m.
Any owed late fee must be paid by the following day.
Students will only be permitted to be picked up by persons authorized to do so as noted on the registration form.

Persons Authorized to Pick Up Child

You will be asked to list those who are authorized by you to pick up your child from our center. If someone other than your child's parents or legal guardian will be picking up your child, please have them come prepared to show a picture ID. Your child will not be released to someone not listed as an authorized person to pick up your child. If there is an emergency, and someone other than those authorized will be picking up your child, you must call the center and inform a Global Enrichment team member prior to their arrival.

For the safety of your child, please let us know if there are issues pertaining to the legal custody of your child.

Absences from Global Enrichment

If your child will not be attending Global Enrichment on one of his/her regularly scheduled days, please inform your center before your child is expected to be there. This will eliminate the need for our team members to check with the school staff to find out whether or not your child was at school that day. If we are ever unsure of your child's location we will contact the parent/guardian whose contact information was provided on the registration form.

Please keep your child home if he/she is sick. Global Enrichment follows the same guidelines for illness as the Montgomery County Public School system. Please do not send your child to Global Enrichment if he/she has any of the following symptoms:

  • A fever of more than 100 degrees
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash or infection of the skin
  • Red or pink eyes (Conjunctivitis)
  • Head lice

This list is not all-inclusive. Please be courteous and thoughtful of the other children and staff at the center if he/she is sick. If your child complains of being sick, or doesn't look well after he/she is comes at Global Enrichmient, we will contact you and ask you to come pick him/her up immediately.

Emergency Cards

You will be asked to fill out an Emergency Card for each of your children enrolled in our program (even those children who only attend on a Drop-In basis). Please make sure that the information on this card is kept up-to-date. It will be the first place we look to locate you in case of an emergency, so make sure that it is accurate!
Medication will not be administered to a student by a Global Enrichment staff member. This includes antibacterial medication for cuts. If a student experiences a minor cut, staff will wash out the wound with soap and water and apply a Band-Aid. If medication is needed, parents/guardians need to notify the school nurse for administrating, instructions during school hours..

Child Abuse

All Global Enrichment team members are instructed to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the police or the Department of Social Services.

Tutoring Time

Global Enrichment will schedule a tutoring period of 50 minutes Monday through Wednesday. Our staff will ensure that the atmosphere is quiet and comfortable to help the children focus on their educational needs. The children are organized into smaller groups during tutoring time to help increase individual help. Parents will be updated daily on student's progress. Parents may communicate with Global Enrinchment staff on particular French skills and any other subject they feel they may need more attention to.


At Global Enrichment is necessary for the safety and well being of all the children, and to ensure a healthy environment within Global Enrichment. Behavior and discipline guidelines are established so that the children know what is expected of them and to ensure consistency of treatment. Our Discipline Policy is as follows:

    First Incident (First Strike) - A verbal warning is issued to the child and appropriate behavior options are discussed. The child is reminded of the consequences that will follow if bad behavior continues. Second Incident (Second Strike) - A time-out is given to the child and the behavior is discussed. Staff members will spend some time talking with the child to make sure that appropriate behavior choices are again reviewed. The child is again reminded of the consequences if the behavior continues. Third Incident (Third Strike) - Parents are contacted to be made aware of the situation and to speak with their child over the telephone. Staff will discuss with the parent the need to come and pick up their child early from the program if bad behavior continues. The child is also reminded of the next consequence and appropriate behavior choices are reviewed. Fourth Incident - Parents are contacted to come to the center to pick uptheir child for the remainder of the day. Staff will discuss better options of behavior for the following day with the child and the parent upon their arrival.

Fighting/Bullying Policy

In addition to our Three Strike Policy, is our policy on fighting, violence and bullying. All of our children know that fighting and bullying is not allowed and we have zero tolerance for any and all fighting and/or bullying. As an important part of our discipline program, we discuss children's choices and other strategies to combat frustrating or upsetting situations. Emphasis is put on the fact that fighting and bullying are never appropriate actions. If any child is physically involved in a fight, there will be no warnings or strikes. The parents will be notified to come to Global Enrichment to pick up their children early and a one day suspension will be required.

Discharging a Child from Global Enrichment

When, despite our collective best efforts, we are unable to change a child's inappropriate behavior and that child's behavior jeopardizes the safety and well being of other children in the program, we may find it necessary to remove the child from the program. Removal may take the form of suspension or dismissal. Before such action is decided will discuss the situation at length with the parents.

Our Staff

Background Checks

Each staff member is required to go through a background check before working at one of our programs. Consequently, each staff member must submit fingerprints to both the State of Maryland and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Global Enrichment is then notified, in writing, of the results.

First Aid/CPR/Emergency Preparedness Requirements

The State of Maryland and Montgomery County require that for every 20 children we provide a staff member who is first aid/CPR certified. Global Enrichment requires and provides first aid/CPR training to all Directors, regardless of whether or not we surpass ratios. The State of Maryland and Montgomery County require Global Enrichment to create a preparedness plan in case of an emergency. In addition we are required to train all of our staff members on these procedures.

Emergency Policy

We have an extensive orientation at the beginning of the school year when our team of staff is trained on Global Enrichment policies, procedures, etiquette, etc. They are also given another brief orientation about important information on the location of phone numbers, fire drill meeting locations, attendance procedures and any other information that is site-specific. Along with these orientations, there are monthly staff meetings to keep them updated and informed.

Enrollment Form and Policies

Enrollment form

COVID-19 Waiver form

Enter all information in PDF form and return to Global Enrichment by mail or email.

Children With Special Needs

Global Enrichment protocol for enrolling children with special needs is done on an individual basis. We evaluate each child's condition together with the family and jointly determine whether or not we will be able to appropriately accommodate the child's needs. We take into account the child's safety as well as the well being of the program. Additionally we must evaluate how the child could affect the daily activities at the center.

Open Door Policy

At Global Enrichment we pride ourselves on running awesome programs that our children, parents, schools and staff are excited about and proud of! We always welcome family input. If you have any suggestions regarding an interesting club or ways we can improve, please don't hesitate to share yor thoughts with us. We strive to create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for everyone and invite you to stop by and visit us!

Changes to Enrollment

If you need to make a change to your child's enrollment plan, please contact our your coordinator. No changes are confirmed and/or effective until our your coordinator has approved the change.


One month notice is required by email or mail to withdraw your child from a Global Enrichment program. There is no contract or obligation to sign up for an entire school year.

Your tuition payments secure your child's enrollment in our program. Days missed due to illness, vacation, etc. will not be credited. If tuition payments are late there will be a late fee assessed. If tuition is not paid in full (including late fees) by the first day of each month, your child will not be allowed to attend Global Enrichment, and you risk losing his/her space. Once your tuition balance is caught up, your child may resume attending our program, provided a spot is still available.

Fees and Online Payment

Pay with PayPal

One Time Fees

Sign-up and make a Paypal payment by selecting the plan below! (includes a 3.5% Paypal processing fee)

Sign up for 5 Days a Week Tuition Plan

Sign up for 4 Days a Week Tuition Plan

Sign up for 3 Days a Week Tuition Plan

Sign up for 2 Days a Week Tuition Plan

To send other ammounts, please send them via PayPal to the email address:
Be sure to include the 3.5% fee when choosing this option.

2024-2025 Global Enrichment Monthly Tuition Fees

The Global Enrichment monthly fee is based upon total school year tuition. The annual tuition is then divided into 10 equal installments to be paid each month from September 2024 through June 2025. The first week of school at the end of August is free from any tuition charges to balance days when school is closed during the year.

With our continued commitement to providing our students with enriching activities and projects, there will be one time $140 materials fee for each student.

There is a $40 registration fee per year per family.

  • $440 - per month five days a week
  • $400 - per month four days a week
  • $340 - per month three days a week
  • $280 - per month two days a week

There is also a 10% discount for each child beyond the first from a single family enrolled in a Global Enrichment program.

Tuition Payments

Global Enrichment has transitioned to a PayPal based subscription for automatic payment processing.
You can use our Paypal method found here, at the Fees and Online Payment tab. Included in the sign-up are the materials and registration fee. There is a 3.5% PayPal processing fee included in the automatic payment.

Late Fees

Tuition is prepaid and is automatically billed on the 1st of each month of enrollment. Should there be an issue with the automatic payment associated with the payment method, a Late Payment Fee of $30.00 may be applied if tuition is paid on or after the 1st day of the month of service. Please also note that your child will not be able to attend the program if their tuition for the month is not paid.

Collection Fees

In the unlikely event we must refer your account to our attorney or collection agency for collection; you shall be responsible for any collection fees we incur.


Receipts of payments can be provided upon request once payments have been processed.


If cancellation of program is necessary, refunds for unused time will be given as long as one month's notice is given to Global Enrichment. Please note that refunds will be issued by check and can take up to thirty days to process. Additionally, refunds for any optional activities will be credited to your child's current account.

Remote Learning

Global Enrichment has returned to in person instruction.
However, for those who are interested, online classes are available for all levels of French in small groups or privately.

Remote Learn

Frequently asked questions:

Who are these classes for?

These classes are geared towards students accelerate and supplement their at home learning.

What will students learn?

We will focus on French reading comprehension and writting while also learning math in French as well. Classes are run generally entirely in French and accessible to all levels.

What will students work on?

We encourage parents to send us assignments sent to them by teachers to work on. Global Enrichment also has a full reading, writting, and math curriculum available for all levels to supplement learning.

What is the learning environment like?

Our method of teaching in a remote learning environment is to keep class sizes small and a semi-private setting. Every student will read and answer questions in a collaborative environment that enhance student learning and get results.

How are online classes run?

We hold our classes over Zoom and send out work for each class to parents.

Tutoring sessions are also available

We also now offer tutoring sessions as an option. If you think your child would benifit best from more personalized instruction, we can work with you to schedule one-on-one sessions or smaller group sessions with two or three students at the same level.

Have more questions?

Please reach out to us at: